I’ve been struggling with getting anything done these past months. I’ve been trying to and I know that I have a lot of things to do, a lot of things that need to be improved, and not the mention that my place long is overdue for a spring cleaning.
But with everything that has been going on right now, it’s just so hard to find the motivation to do anything.
Looking at my to-do list just paralyzes me and I just get so overwhelmed that I end up not doing anything at all.
Do you feel the same way too? This year, life has just been so daunting and overwhelming that finding the motivation to be productive and work on our goals is just too difficult.
But I just can’t keep making excuses and procrastinating. I realized that regardless of how difficult life may seem to be for me at the moment, this should not keep me from going after my goals.
I know often it’s easier to keep making excuses for not getting anything done, it’s easier to keep running away and ignoring what needs to be done instead of facing it head-on, but if we want to change our situation and improve our lives, we must be willing to take action.
We must be willing to put in the work.
So, if you too are feeling stuck in a rut and need some ideas to help kick-in your productivity, here are some of the things that helped me break out of my unmotivated streak — I’m hoping these tips will also help you out.
Here are 12 tips to be more productive and motivated…

Figure out your “why” – why do you want to complete this project? Why do you want to achieve this goal? Knowing your why will not only remind you about the rewards that you will reap after achieving or completing this task but it’s also a great tool for helping you rediscover your motivation.

Know your goals – doing this will give you direction and will help you be more focused.
Don’t over-schedule – putting so many things on our to-do list can often overwhelm us and keep us from getting anything done. It’s best to limit yourself to at least 3 to 5 tasks a day.

Don’t be afraid to take breaks — pushing yourself too hard will only do you more harm than good. Remember that it’s okay to take breaks and just breathe.

Stop multi-tasking – we often get the impression that by multi-tasking we’re being extra productive but that’s not always the case. It’s best to focus all our attention and energy on one task at a time — it’s more effective and efficient.
Get rid of distractions — if you want to get things done, allow yourself to unplug from anything that will distract you.
Reward yourself – take time to celebrate your wins and milestone.
Be present – we often get too caught up worrying about our projects and task that it ends up causing us stress and overwhelming us. Worrying and fixating on the results will not do you any good. Try to stay present and be mindful.
Be kind to yourself – remember that it’s okay to make mistakes. Stop criticizing yourself with every little mistake. Learn to be gentle with yourself instead.
Leave the negativity – often, the main thing that’s keeping us from doing something is by thinking about the results negatively. Fixating on negativity will only paralyze us. It’s best to learn how to reframe our minds and overcome negative thoughts.

Be organized and stay organized
Take more breaks and practice self-care — when you’re less stressed, you’re more productive.
I hope these tips will help you achieve your goals and live the life that you deserve!