Have you been struggling with negative thoughts and feelings lately?
Two years ago, I was at my lowest. Every day, I would tell myself that if only things will start looking up for me then I would finally be happy.
Every day, I was stuck and paralyzed by so much negativity that I would constantly think that everything in my life will only go from bad to worse.
And let me tell you, constantly dwelling on negative emotions and thoughts was exhausting. It was taking so much toll on my mental health and it was constantly robbing me of the chance to enjoy the good things that are still happening to me.
Also, I realized that by allowing myself to dwell on so much negativity, I was paralyzing myself and I was keeping myself stuck.
Instead of doing something to improve my life, I was allowing myself to be paralyzed by the problems and the worries that I end up not accomplishing anything.
We must remind ourselves that regardless of what we are facing, we still have the ability to choose happiness and positivity.
Yes, it may not always be easy but it is possible. And the best way to start it is by building good habits that’ll help us remain positive even in difficult seasons.
Scroll down below to see 15 HABITS OF POSITIVE PEOPLE…
I know that often life can be too overwhelming and difficult and regardless of how much we hate it, it is so easy to let ourselves dwell on negativity and think that our lives will never improve.
But of course, that’s a lie. Regardless of how difficult times may be, it will get better. We don’t have to trap ourselves in negativity, we can still be happy and we can still choose happiness and positivity.